Denise Pitts
Education: B.S. in Chemistry, College of William and Mary
At CHCS since 2008
Why did you choose to go into teaching? “I did not know that the Lord had called me to teach until I found myself in a high school chemistry class teaching my first lesson. I was fresh out of college and just planned to help out a school in Virginia that needed a science teacher. As I taught, I experienced the JOY that comes from doing work that the Lord designed you for. Teaching is always such an invigorating experience for me. I love the thrill of seeing the light bulb go on for a student as they learn a new concept or deepen their understanding of something they thought they already knew.”
What do you love about CHCS? "I am unabashedly proud of being a part of the Christian Heritage family. The team of colleagues I am surrounded by are incredibly gifted teachers who love the Lord, love to learn, love teaching students, and love learning to teach students. We challenge each other, encourage each other, and cheer for each other. My students are such hard workers and curious learners that I am spurred on to be a better teacher for them every day. And the families of these students truly appreciate what we are doing. It's incredible to work in a place where the "mission statement" actually represents the heart of what we do: partnering with the home to teach these students to love learning, to reason well, to love God, and to serve others. My own three children graduated from CHS, and I continue to be impressed by the fruit of their education."