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  Name Title
David Adams Adams, David
Brenda Arce Arce, Brenda 1st Grade Instructor
Brandy Arseneault Arseneault, Brandy Teachers' Aide
Bradley Ballard Ballard, Bradley Rhetoric Orchestra Instructor
Michael Beaty Beaty, Michael Chorale Director
Gwen Black Black, Gwen Librarian
CHCS Board Board, CHCS The Board
Ashley Bounds Bounds, Ashley Lunch Assistant
Rachel Bransford Bransford, Rachel 5th Grade Instructor
Ainsley Brumit Brumit, Ainsley Teachers' Aide
Cyndi Brumit Brumit, Cyndi Humanities Curriculum Lead/ Rhetoric Humanities Instructor
Robert Cates Cates, Robert PE Instructor
Sunni Cates Cates, Sunni K4 Instructor
Paula Connor Connor, Paula Kindergarten Instructor
Jana Crouch Crouch, Jana Grammar Curriculum Lead/ 2nd Grade Instructor
Lisa Denny Denny, Lisa Logic/Rhetoric Science Instructor
Gwendolyn Dockery Dockery, Gwendolyn Lunch Assistant
Leslie Dorrough Dorrough, Leslie Assistant Athletic Director
DeAnna Doyle Doyle, DeAnna Receptionist
Jaylan Fennell Fennell, Jaylan Rhetoric Photography/ Theater Instructor
Pam Fisher Fisher, Pam Office Manager
Nichole Harrison Harrison, Nichole 4th Grade Instructor
Kim Holcomb Holcomb, Kim K4 Instructor
Laci Holcomb Holcomb, Laci Logic Instructor
Crista Hood Hood, Crista Accountant
Jana Horne Horne, Jana Admissions Director/ Registrar/College Guidance
Cody Jackson Jackson, Cody Maintenance
Blake Jones Jones, Blake 3rd Grade Instructor
Sharon Jones Jones, Sharon 4th Grade Instructor
Stephanie Jones Jones, Stephanie Head of School/ Logic Math Instructor
Anne Jordan Jordan, Anne Kindergarten Instructor
Adrienne Kinde Kinde, Adrienne Rhetoric School Instructor
Stephen Kinde Kinde, Stephen Landman Researcher
Mandy Link Link, Mandy Math Instructor
Katie Livingston Livingston, Katie 2nd Grade Instructor
Linda Lord Lord, Linda 1st Grade Instructor
Arty Machin Machin, Arty Rhetoric Economics Instructor
Bart Malone Malone, Bart Lunch Assistant
Griff Mauldin Mauldin, Griff Athletic Director
Teri McKinley McKinley, Teri Rhetoric Spanish Instructor
Kelley Moczygemba Moczygemba, Kelley Rhetoric Math/Science Instructor
Lois Nowell Nowell, Lois 1st Grade Instructor
CHCS Office Office, CHCS
Parent Participation Participation, Parent
Denise Pitts Pitts, Denise Math & Science Curriculum Lead/ Rhetoric Math/Science Instructor
Hannah Pitts Pitts, Hannah Rhetoric Humanities Instructor
Emma Pritchard Pritchard, Emma 2nd Grade Instructor
Chad Reeves Reeves, Chad Rhetoric School Instructor
Jessie Risner Risner, Jessie PE Instructor
Alison Roberts Roberts, Alison Receptionist
Renee' Robertson Robertson, Renee' Director of Development
Jamie Robinson Robinson, Jamie Art Instructor
John Rutherford Rutherford, John Principal--Upper School
Kenneth Searcy Searcy, Kenneth
Beth Sheffield Sheffield, Beth Fine Arts Curriculum Lead/ Grammar Music Instructor
Jodi Sieh Sieh, Jodi Logic/Bible Instructor
Faith Silvertooth Silvertooth, Faith Grammar Curriculum Lead/ 3rd Grade Instructor
Elizabeth Simmons Simmons, Elizabeth
Courtney Skelton Skelton, Courtney Grammar Principal
Marcy Stearns Stearns, Marcy 5th Grade Instructor
Angie Stone Stone, Angie Receptionist
Karol Terry Terry, Karol Logic History/English Instructor
Lauri Thomas Thomas, Lauri Art Instructor
Lauren Thompson Thompson, Lauren Kindergarten Instructor
Cheryl Upchurch Upchurch, Cheryl Assistant to Head of School
Danielle Young Young, Danielle Latin Instructor