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Requirements for Admission:

  • At least one parent will agree and comply with the Christian Heritage Statement of Faith.
  • The family and student will regularly attend a Christian church that is in agreement with our Statement of Faith.
  • Students entering K4 must be four years old by September 1 of the school year for which they are applying, and students entering Kindergarten will be five years old by September 1 for the school year for which they are applying.
  • Students who have been diagnosed as having a learning disability will be required to meet the same academic standards as all the other students in their grade. CHCS is not equipped to provide a separate classroom, program, or staff to provide the educational services desired by the parents.
  • Christian Heritage will need to receive favorable recommendations from the last school attended and satisfactory scores on admission testing.


Admission Steps:

  • Prayerfully consider CHCS as a fit for your family
  • Complete the online application at
  • After reviewing the student’s admission application, the Admissions Director will call you to set up an assessment/shadow day as well as a parent interview.
  • Upon acceptance, you will receive an email with information regarding enrollment.

Admissions Timeline:

Sibling Applications open September 30 - November 6 

Applications for prospective families open for 2025-2026 from September 30 - November 6 

  • November 11 - 15: Testing/Group Assessments and Shadow Days
  • November 18 - 21, December 2 - December 4: Interviews with the Admissions Committee
  • December 20: Admissions Decisions emailed

Enrollment for Current Families and Newly Accepted Families: February 3 - 21


Applications open for the remaining spots from February 17 - March 21 

  • March 24 - 28: Testing/Group Assessments and Shadow Days
  • March 31 - April 4, April 7 - 9: Interviews with the Admissions Committee
  • April 17: Admissions Decisions emailed


New Family Orientation: May 8 at 8:30 a.m.

Christian Heritage Classical School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. CHCS will evaluate the student’s ability to handle specific physical and/or academic disabilities on a case-by-case basis. For the protection and safety of our children and yours, Christian Heritage Classical School will complete a background check on parents/legal guardians of potential students.