What is The Village?
The parent body of Christian Heritage Classical School makes up The Village. We are committed to fostering deep relationships and providing for the needs of our school through prayer, service, and enrichment activities.
Round Table Discussions
Round Table Discussions provide an opportunity for our younger parents to be encouraged by our veteran parents or others in the community. Topics have included technology, anxiety, and the middle school years.
Parents in Prayer
God continues to bless our school, and we are incredibly grateful to all the parents who have spent countless hours praying for our school community, our teachers, our staff, and our students.
PErC Classes
We have many talented parents and grandparents in our school, and our 9-12th grade students truly enjoy interacting and learning from each of you. We have had parents come and share cooking expertise, yoga lessons, car repair, and budgeting wisdom with our students. If you have ideas or would like to serve in this capacity, please email- thevillage@chcslongview.com.
Family Fun Nights
We enjoy fellowship! The Village hosts Family Fun Nights throughout the year for our school community.
Providing for our Families
A Village Meal - Since The Village exists to foster deeper relationships and provide for the needs of our school through prayer, service, and other activities - one of the ways we do this is by providing a meal for a family in our school who has an immediate family member that has had surgery, been hospitalized, or had an extended illness. Please fill out this form if those things apply to you, or you can fill out the form for a member of your class. Please contact our Care Coordinator with any questions- Amy Mitchell 903.240.4513. A Village Meal
Future Sentinel - Did you add to our Sentinel Family by having a baby? We want to celebrate with you! Please fill out this form: Future Sentinel
To contact The Village leadership, please email - thevillage@chcslongview.com.