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Kelley Moczygemba

Kelley Moczygemba
Rhetoric Math/Science Instructor
Groups: Logic,Rhetoric

Education: B.S. in Mathematics Education, Pensacola Christian College

At CHCS since 2017

Why did you choose to go into teaching? “While I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life my first year of college (imagine that), I knew I loved math and wanted to pursue that track, but I didn't want to get a theoretical Mathematics degree.  I thought I'd just tread water in a Math Ed degree until I figured out what I wanted to do.  The first day of my first teaching class I was hooked!”  

What do you love about CHCS? "I would be hard-pressed to single out only one thing I love about this place.  First, as a parent with students who are either attending or have graduated from CHCS, I am overwhelmed by the rich instruction and discipleship my children have received from my colleagues. Second, as a teacher of teenage students, I count myself privileged to get to spend my day with students who are grateful for what we are giving them in this classical education and who, while not perfect, are diligent, respectful, and hardworking.  Third, the team of educators that I get to work alongside have become some of the dearest people in the world to me, and working with them to strive to train our students to be outstanding lovers of Truth, goodness, and beauty is one of the great joys of my life.  Often people say the feel sorry for me when they find out that I am a "high school" teacher, but I tell them that they just don't know the people I get to hang out with all day."