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Beth Sheffield

Beth Sheffield
Fine Arts Curriculum Lead/ Grammar Music Instructor
Phone: 903-663-4151
Groups: Logic

Education: Bachelor of Music Education and Secondary English, Baylor University

At CHCS since 2007\

Why did you choose to go into teaching? “I chose to go into the teaching profession because from a relatively young age, I found deep joy in sharing my passion for music with others. The Lord has confirmed this calling in my life by allowing me the opportunity to use my musical and teaching gifts as vehicles for sharing my faith with children/students of all ages, as well as adults, in both school (public and private) and church settings for the past forty years.”

What do you love about CHCS? “I love Christian Heritage first as a parent of two CHCS graduates—2014 and 2018.. With grateful hearts, my husband and I have witnessed the fruits of the excellent education and solid spiritual training our children received as CHCS grammar, logic, and rhetoric school students. In addition, I love and am excited about teaching at Christian Heritage because of the biblical like mindedness and commitment to excellence shared by the administration, faculty, staff, and families. It is truly a unique and special place in which to work and serve!”