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Jodi Sieh

Jodi Sieh
Logic/Bible Instructor
Phone: 903-663-4151
Groups: Logic,Rhetoric

Education: B.S. in Health, Kansas State Unviersity, B.S. in Christian Education, Manhattan Christian College

At CHCS since 2006, 1998-199

Why did you choose to go into teaching? “I come from a family of teachers, and as a kid I lined up my stuffed animals and “taught” them. I also “graded” my dad’s farm magazines with my mom’s red pens, so teaching is in my wiring. I also love being around my students and enjoy their energy and enthusiasm.”

What do you love about CHCS? “I love that we are a family here. We are not perfect, but we genuinely desire and work for fellowship and unity at our school.  We are real in our faith and not Christian in name only.”