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Ainsley Brumit

Ainsley Brumit
Teachers' Aide

At CHCS since 2024

Why did you choose to go into teaching: “It was never in my thinking that I would be a teacher. I had always had different answers to the “what do you want to be when you grow up?” question and “teacher” was never my answer. It wasn’t until my sophomore year in college that I realized that I had a natural gift for teaching and a love for learning as well as a love for kids. So I chose to switch my major from kinesiology to history and aim towards graduating from college and later on getting my teachers' certification all, so I could teach and love on kids. “For the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9) the Lord knew that this is where life would take me, and I am so excited about this upcoming school year.”

"I love Christian Heritage because teachers work hard at providing a well-rounded, Christ-centered education for all age groups. The discipleship does not cease once your child leaves Bible class but is ongoing in each and every subject. When I came here as a student, I had not seen the value of a place like Christian Heritage, but when I left, not only did I see its value, but I was shown how great my education was compared to my peers and how grounded in my beliefs I had become, because CHCS, alongside my parents taught me how to guard my heart and think critically.